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Generate Non-Dues Revenue

Association TV® can transform video from a cost-centre to a profit-centre.

We lower the cost of video and multimedia while enhancing the offering. Video can be a significant revenue stream, beyond improving dues revenue. AssociationTV.UK has created proven revenue models to fund your video and multimedia programming. Including: all year long sponsorship, more impactful advertising and content marketing, as well as, pay-per-view and subscription revenues.


We know that sponsors are looking for content for their own audiences as well as an opportunity to be seen, heard and understood by your membership. Video is the perfect medium to achieve their goals. We have extensive experience in strategy and tactics to engage sponsorship.


AssociationTV.UK can enhance your existing media kit and non-dues revenue sales models to support your internal teams. Or, you can outsource the revenue generation to us and our third-party partners to grow revenues for you.

Engage & Grow Membership

Engage & Grow Membership

Video-centric programming enhances your content creating a rich and engaging experience for members

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At AssociationTV.UK we understand that audiences are engaging on digital and mobile more than ever – and that trend is only increasing. Video-centric programming enhances your content creating a rich and engaging experience for members, translating into higher retention and increased involvement in member services.


Repurpose educational or informational content into multimedia solutions that your audience can consume anywhere, anytime on any device. Creating additional assets from the same content – such as a short social media video or short e-news summary – allows you to leverage social media and PR to pull prospects into your atmosphere. From this engagement, you can start nurturing these contacts towards full membership where they can unlock the full value of membership.


Membership has its privileges. Demonstrate this value with gated content, or by sharing out event sessions and speakers with your full audience that may not be able to attend in-person. Find new, innovative ways to share more with members by utilising video and multimedia.

Increase Event Impact

Increase Event Impact

Surveys tell us, 92% of members want to be educated, but less than 15% of members see your best content at events.

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The number one reason that your members have joined your association is education. Many members look forward to conferences and educational events to learn what's new and how they can be better at what they do. Association TV® unlocks and delivers your best content to your entire audience in a video and multimedia model, positively impacting your profits, purpose and predictability. Leverage your conferences, webinars and events to increase impact through live-streaming, summary sessions, ‘conference all year long’ sharing, and event promotion.


AssociationTV.UK is assisting many associations to have their best events ever by creating video and audio content that engages at the event as well as extends conference benefits all year long. Livestream and Daily Recaps are excellent opportunities to create interest and excitement during the event.


Recording educational sessions can create monthly or weekly online content series that will extend the benefits of your event throughout the year.

Market Your Association

Market Your Association

Lower the cost and improve the impact of marketing for members, event attendance and the promotion of member services.

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Video-centric models allow you to take 1-piece of content and make up to 20 multimedia assets, each directed against a specific audience:


  • Existing members; to inform, educate and inspire

  • Prospective members; to make them aware of your value and drive to your brand, messaging and engage with your organisation

  • Partners; advocate for the industry and increase your network with consumable content.


Benefits include:

  • Improve open rates on your marketing by 2-3 times

  • Increase the amount of time spent on your site by 2.5 times

  • Make it easy for members (or prospective members) to be 1-click away from continuing their engagement and your ROI

  • Enjoy an increase in click-through rates of up to 500% higher than normal

Enhance Learning & Accreditation

Enhance Learning & Accreditation

The Association TV® platform has a special module for online badging accreditation or Continued Education credit.

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Our Learning Management System (LMS) module makes it easy for you to use the power of video to improve these offerings.


The online platform can be used as a simple video player to share educational content, as well as a robust Learning Management System (LMS). The platform can configure to become a payment portal to charge for courses or can be gated for various options of member access. Our team of experts can help you build learning content in text, audio or video. The platform can reward students with badging and keep them informed as to what they need to do to finish a course for further accreditation.


Results and test data are easily generated for administrator review. Your education delivery system just got a whole lot easier.

Improve Communication & Advocacy 

Improve Communication & Advocacy 

Video works in every department and every department needs to inform, educate, advocate or share news and information with members.

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The AssociationTV.UK model improves your ability to cut through the clutter to be seen and heard as well as measure the improved click-through rates as audiences engage. This translates into more action through registration, purchase, renew, joining, volunteering, download, attending and viewing.


When audiences act on your content three things happen:

  • Member satisfaction improves because you made it easy for them to find what they need

  • Revenues from dues and non-dues increase as a direct by-product of member satisfaction and understanding

  • Finally, others take notice and participate or join

Want to know more or have a question?

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